Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Boston Butt Pork Roast


Boston Butt Pork Roast- bone in
3Tbls. Brown Sugar
1Tbls. Sugar
1Tbls. Garlic Powder
1&1/2 Tbls. Paprika
1Tbls. Cumin
1Tbls. Kosher Salt (I think I would put more)
1/2 Tbls. Pepper
1/2 tsp. Cayenne
Large onion
Mix rub, pat roast dry and rub with spices. Let marinate for 30 min.
Meanwhile slice large onion and saute in a small amount of oil on high in the bottom of the dutch oven (roasting pan). De-glaze pan with 1 cup chicken stock or broth.  Set roast in the dutch oven, cover and cook @275 for 6 hours (250 for 7 hrs?)